Online Casino Edition – Casino News News about online casinos and gambling

December 22, 2012

What Does U.S. Regulation Mean for the Online Gambling Industry?

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If online gambling becomes U.S. regulated, the industry is expected to grow immensely. At the moment, the only type of online gambling that is currently legal is sports gambling. This has allowed sports gamblers to place bets from home, with little worry that they could be arrested for their actions. The reason why sports gambling was legislated is because they believe there is skill behind placing wagers on sports games, while they believe there is not much skill behind slot machines and other types of online gambling games. However, recent efforts have been pushing U.S. Congress to initiate legislation and regulation for online casino games like poker. Poker is a card game, but there is a lot of skill involved and it is not entirely luck. Surely, there is some luck that comes into play, but you have to be very good at poker in order to be successful. Today, poker is treated as a sport on television and throughout many parts of the world it is recognized as so. So while sports betting may have passed legislation for online gambling, poker and other types of online casino games are still illegal and it doesn’t make sense to a lot of gamers.

Some experts say that legislation behind all types of online gambling is unlikely

If you speak with an expert, they will likely tell you that legislation behind all types of online gambling is unlikely to happen. Games like slot machines that are purely luck based, are not likely to make it through Congress to become legal. However, games like poker do happen to have a chance, since there’s skill involved and there is an opportunity for the individual to be successful with their poker wagering.

The affiliate marketing industry would certainly grow behind online poker

If online poker or other types of online casino games were legalized, the affiliate marketing industry behind online casinos would grow immensely. Affiliate marketing is what allows other websites to promote online casinos, and earn a commission if they get a sale or referral. The problem is that United States affiliate marketers have to stay clear of online gambling affiliate programs because there us such risk involved with supporting them. Online gambling is not legal, so if an affiliate marketer resides within the United States and earns his money through online casinos, this is actually not legal for him to be doing. If online poker and other types of casino games happen to get legalized, affiliate marketers in the United States would become immensely profitable. Preparing for this is actually highly recommended, since online poker is expected to get legislated and regulated. Affiliate marketers are starting to prepare themselves now, so that they can begin to endorse and promote the industry as soon as it becomes available to them.

Mobile platforms could become wildly popular

Most players behind online casinos use laptops and desktop computers to play their games. However, tablets and smart phones are becoming more and more popular and if the industry were to support online gambling, these devices would be used regularly for gaming.

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