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February 23, 2011

EwalletXpress: The Story So Far

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As it turned out, EwalletXpress issues were less “technical” and more constitutional. It began back in 2010 on 12th November when US account holders found that they could no longer access their online finances properly. Initially, they were told that the site was simply being upgraded. But, when this “upgrading” revealed itself as the disappearance of banking options and the inability to deposit money, it was easy to see that something else was afoot. Not to mention the fact that it was still possible for Canadians to open a new account, whereas for Americans this was no longer an option.

It wasn’t until a week later that EwalletXpress eventually made a formal statement that funds had been seized and confiscated by the Federal Government. The popular online payment facility sent out the following as an email to inform its account holders: “We regret to inform you that we are no longer able to continue service at this time due to a federal warrant issued to seize our funds.” They explained that they had no power to take any further action because control had been taken over by the Federal Government. As negotiations are taking place, a high level of confidentiality is required. The US Government had served them with a warrant, but no further specific details could be given.

The fear is that players will not be able to retrieve their money. The most frustrating issue for account holders is that they’ve done nothing illegal: in the United States, online gambling is legal. But, the Federal Wire Act states that electronic funds pertaining to sports betting could not be transmitted over state boundaries. In addition, different states enforce different laws concerning casino gaming. Therefore, if EwalletXpress has committed unlawful transactions of any kind, the US government is within its rights to freeze their accounts.

The scenario is reminiscent of Neteller in 2007. Here, the Federal Government had the founders arrested in January in attempts to crackdown on online gambling. US account holders were prevented from transferring money, but neither could they retrieve any of their funds. Around $55 million was seized. This was seen as a way for the government to gain a major foothold on online gamble control. US Players had to wait up to six months until they had their money returned to them.

Today, when account holders log in on the EwalletXpress website they are confronted with this statement:

“At this point we must regretfully inform you that our funds and accounts were seized by the United States government as part of a confidential investigation. We have contacted the US investigating agencies and are currently negotiating with them. At present, is unable to access these funds or return them to you because the money is no longer in our custody or control.”

What are the customers meant to do now? Sadly, there’s not much they can do but sit tight. It’s now up to the US courts to sort up compensation. As before, they can expect to have their money returned, but when, that will be another matter.

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