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March 24, 2013

New Jersey Sports Gambling Because Much Less Likely

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New Jersey has made it no secret that they are looking to get deeper into the gambling industry in order to increase the amount of tax revenue that they are able to bring in. It was recently ruled that the 21-year-old law that prohibited sports betting in all but four states were not completely legal. As the state look to become one of the for states to adopt what is a multibillion dollar industry, there were shut down and the Supreme Court.

The ruling was originally published on late Thursday, and is the second time that New Jersey failed in their lawsuit in order to establish themselves as a sports betting state. They are looking to allow betting at four major professional sports leagues, as well as the NCAA. The state is Heather claims denied in the past as well. It will be interesting to see if any changes are made to the legislation, before they attempt to pass it once again in order to give it a better shot of being accepted.

Gov. Chris Christie responded to the ruling of the judge, saying that he believed that the principles on their position on sports betting and the federal ban is illegal one. It is not expected that the ruling by the judge will be the last time that this is brought up within the state, as the continue to fight for their right to have sports betting legal within the state. For many, the ruling was a huge display meant. To allow sports betting would bring in millions in potential revenue for the state, allowing them to you better recover from the recent tragic storms that have fallen over the area. The first New Jersey sports betting referendum was passed in 2011. It is clear that the citizens of New Jersey are behind me expansion of betting within the state, both in online poker, as well is in sports betting, should the right legislation make it to a judge.

Betting would be open for the NFL, NBA, NHL, major league baseball, and all sports played in the NCAA. A number of other states have attempted to legalize sports betting as well, only to be shut down in the Superior Court before became legal. It is clear that many states see a huge surge in revenue possible from beginning to accept sports betting, and running it as a state function.

It will be interesting to see whether not in the future, sports betting is allowed in New Jersey. As the state continues to push through new legislation, it becomes clear that they are uninjured in their fight to get the legislation that they believe is legal, passed through the upper courts. Each year, billions of dollars are better legally in the state of Nevada, and New Jersey has been slowly but surely attempting to become the next eight to be a gambling hub within the United States. Although they are known for their gambling, it is clear that the state would like to take their operations online, and also towards sports betting, as sports are quite popular throughout the state and would likely generate a large amount of revenue

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