Online Casino Edition – Casino News News about online casinos and gambling

December 27, 2011

Gambling In US Market Could Be Risky

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There are thousands of casinos operating online while there are some that are not trustworthy. Gambling in the US market could be very risky as the Department of Justice is taking some serious steps against internet poker gambling. Already, online gambling is illegal in certain states of the country. This means that players should think twice before actually registering themselves on casino websites and depositing money in their accounts.

Department of Justice in the United States has already frozen the accounts of many players. In such a scenario, gambling seems very risky for those players who cannot resist the temptation of playing poker while in the States. Since the setbacks earlier this year, the rules and regulations have been very strict and many online casinos had to shut down their operations in the country.

Many players of PokerStars Online Casino in the US have reported that their accounts are being frozen. According to the Department of Justice, all those players playing within the US Jurisdiction are violating the current rules and laws of online casino gambling and they will have to face the consequences.

The events that occurred earlier this year, have caused a major setback in the online casino market in the country. In addition to this, such actions by the Department of Justice against PokerStars members actually have a basis. In an agreement between the Department of Justice and PokerStars, point 5.11 stated that the residents of the United States and the players in various American territories are not allowed to indulge in real-money playing at online casinos.

The point also prohibits them to engage in real-money play at other gambling events. They are only allowed to withdraw or cash out their existing deposits from their account at the casino. According to the agreement, they are not allowed to make any deposits into online casino games. The rule is applicable to all the players who are residing in the US territories, irrespective of whether they are US citizens or not. Anyone trying to violate these rules or providing false location information to PokerStars to engage in online gambling, will be breeching the agreement and will have to face the consequences.

The clients from the Virtual Private Networks have been strongly affected by the crackdowns of online casinos. While they may feel safe playing within the network, their location is revealed as soon as they disconnect the system. Because of this, PokerStars Online Casino is adamant that anyone making such mistakes or caught playing after providing false information about their location will surely lose all the funds in their accounts. The best option is to abide by the law and not violate any rule or regulation while indulging in online gambling.

It is recommended to all online poker players to do some research and check all the guidelines and rules issued by the Department of Justice for the online casino market in the United States. In addition to this, they must also browse the terms and conditions page on the casino website and carefully go through the entire text before actually making a deposit.

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