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May 4, 2014

Chicago May Get The Gambling Fever Real Soon

Filed under: Casino — Tags: , — OCE News @ 8:53 am

It seems that Chicago, Illinois, may be getting a casino very soon. The newly revise plan was pitched at a meeting. And the biggest support that they are aiming for come from Democratic Governor Pat Quinn.

There are already plans to add five new casinos to the Chicago area. But the difference with this one, is that it will be larger than anything that has come before. The plans for this casino is to have 10,000 betting position placed inside.

Now there are already arguments against it. Some have said that the market is already saturated with casinos and other gaming sites. There are even video gambling sites set up at local bars and various truck stops.

Still, those that are pushing through with these plans, are refuting these claims. But there could be other issues on the horizon anyway. Some are saying that this proposal may not even make it. Some lawmakers have even gone on record, by stating they want t piece of the pie. And it’s been reported that they won’t agree to it, unless they do get a piece of the action.

Gambling is a big thing in so many areas across the country. It’s become so big that it can’t be ignored. Gambling is a part of everyday life. Still, pushing for something like this is going to be even more difficult now. It’s been stagnated for 5 years and with election year coming up, it might be pushed back further. But, according to some, you can’t ignore the numbers.

Some officials have even said that there is a budget cliff that needs to be watched. One of these budget concerns is the temporary income tax hike. This expires on January of next year. If nothing is put in it’s place, then chances are slim that the money won’t be there for the casino.

The mayor is already pushing for another tax increase to help out with the pension cuts in the schools. So the question remains, will there be enough money in the budget to help push through the new casino plans?

According to the new plan, it will. The money that the casino makes will be split between city and state. The city can use the money for pension and educational expenses. The sate can use the money for education and construction.

As of now, the mayor doesn’t really wish to talk about the new casino plans, that is until the pension issue is taken care of.

The casino bill itself is aimed at winning the approval of Quinn. In the past, Quinn has not been supportive of the efforts to bring in new casino businesses. Once change would be that the state would own the casino. That would mean more control over the casino revenue, and how it is spent.

The city has also questioned the size. As of now they are offering an alternate proposal. This proposal would cut down the size, making it like the other casinos are now.

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